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Please Provide Your Review of Target Practice
Check Out What Our Readers Have to Say
"So much super information for young goalies, Beauty! Just what the doctor ordered."
Don Cherry, Global Hockey Icon
"Chris provides what is missing from coaching programs and this is why this book is so important. Much of the information that is out there is too technical and unless you play the position it’s difficult to understand, so misinformation is given to the kids by minor hockey coaches who try to tell the goalies how they think the position should be played."
Rick Heinz, Former NHL Goaltender
You can either get a downloadable copy or get a physical book (pay only shipping cost).
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Great read for any coach looking to help their goalies. I just gifted a copy to my daughter’s goalie coach too!
The book content was absolutely perfect, exactly what we have experienced as goalie parents. Target Practice tells a story and paints a very accurate picture of the situation we have seen repeated in minor hockey across the US. There are some wonderful bits of advice, fantastic insights and information that almost every coach needs to have at their fingertips. The online coaches certification program is an absolutely awesome course that every damn coach in minor hockey should be made to take before they are allowed to even think about working with a young goalie, but sadly most will never take the time or commit to broadening their skills in the area of goaltending. So what can we do as parents to actually make this happen?? This is a serious concern, and something needs to change soon! Well done, Mr. Dyson, you got the ball rolling. Now we need parents to pressure minor hockey organizations and force them to implement this!
This book paints a perfect picture of how minor hockey has failed goalies and provides coaches with some super info that can help them to coach goalie basic skills. I also ordered the Certification course and found the content to be very useful and well put together. I see this course being of great value to any team coach who does not have a true goalie coach on the ice regularly. I'll be recommending our association look at providing this program to all our teams next year. It can do nothing but help the goalies become better.
I’m a hockey dad with a goalie daughter. Not knowing where to start or things to consider, this book is simple, yet amazing. Would love to read it again!
The book content was absolutely perfect, exactly what we have experienced as goalie parents. Target Practice tells a story and paints a very accurate picture of the situation we have seen repeated in minor hockey across the US. There are some wonderful bits of advice, fantastic insights and information that almost every coach needs to have at their fingertips. The online coaches certification program is an absolutely awesome course that every damn coach in minor hockey should be made to take before they are allowed to even think about working with a young goalie, but sadly most will never take the time or commit to broadening their skills in the area of goaltending. So what can we do as parents to actually make this happen?? This is a serious concern, and something needs to change soon! Well done, Mr. Dyson, you got the ball rolling. Now we need parents to pressure minor hockey organizations and force them to implement this!
Freakin perfect. This book must be made mandatory for at least one coach on every minor hockey team. I have see very situation described in the book and in about 90 percentage of the situation the league did not provide the training or even take the time to address the issue. Kids are being screwed over because most coaches do not know what to do and most organizations will not address this problem which in my own experience is a load of BS. My son has a right to good coaching and I have an expectation of getting the same training the other parents are paying for. I am thrilled to hear that there is an online certification program coming from Target Practice and this is something I hope every minor hockey league take the time to put their coaches through. It is ridiculiously overdue and so very needed. Love the book, love the mission, love the direction. GREAT STUFF, just hope coaches take the time to read it.
Just read Target Practice and very much enjoyed reading this book. Not only did it have great information for hockey parents but gave the reader a real sense of minor hockey in today society. Chris really demonstrated some great research and knowledge that he put into this book. I recommend even if your not a goalie parent that you read this book. Has a little something for everyone in it. Well Done Chris!
When I first read about the upcoming release of Chris' Dyson's book Target Practice, on Facebook, I immediately messaged him to see how I could get a copy (signed would be great too)! Being a fairly new Goalie Mom and having read a plethora of books available to me about the heart and mind of a goaltender, I just knew that this one was going to be different! You see, my son was struggling on his team and I was desperate to find something, ANYTHING that could offer us guidance and solutions. Not only did I buy a copy for myself, I bought one for my organization because I believed that it would help change their mode of thinking. After receiving my copy, I sat down with my son and we read each chapter together. Often, he would make a comment about "how true that was" or "how he wished his coach would memorize that chapter". As he gave me feedback, I highlighted the concepts that he felt the need to re-visit with the coach, given the chance. According to my son, who has suffered under the exact coaching mistakes indicated in this book, each and every coach and goalie parent should be required to read this book. We both believe that if the techniques being taught in this easy-to-read, well-written book were applied toward young goaltenders, they would NEVER outgrow their LOVE for the game. Chris Dyson has managed to create an amazing tool for future generations of goaltenders. Your job, now, is to put that tool to good use. Buy the book…no, buy several books and place them in the hands of those in charge of impacting the hearts and minds of goaltenders around the world. Thank you.
Absolutely the best material I have ever read for coaches to better understand what these kids go through. Your writing style is simple to follow and to the point. Most of what I have found is geared for the goalie themselves and far to technical for the average coach or parent to understand. This book needs to become mandatory reading for every coach in minor hockey. Thank you so much!!!
You can either get a downloadable copy or get a physical book (pay only shipping cost).
Please click on the options below to get your FREE Copy
"A lot of coaches aren't that eager to work with the goalie at all. They should be working to refine the goalies craft throughout the season."
John Garrett, Former NHL Goaltender, Professional Commentator with Hockey Night In Canada
"Finally! Chris Dyson answered the questions no-one knew how to ask. After 25+ years involved in the industry, It’s great to see this grass roots level support and guidance for the most highly criticized, under- developed position in the game."
Don Straus, Founder Armadilla Masks, World Renowned Artist
"I have never before seen information for coaches that is so useful, easily digestible, quick to read and easy to implement. Hockey coaches and parents everywhere will be thrilled with the content of this book!"
Colin Hopper, President Source For Sports London, Former President Sports Distributors Canada
"Providing coaches with the skills to properly work with their goaltenders is awesome and perfect. I cannot imagine a single coach not jumping at the chance to take advantage of such an opportunity, especially at the grass roots level."
Larry Feist Publisher, Hockey Now Magazine
"The game has dramatically changed, but one thing that hasn’t is the core fundamentals of goaltending. Coaches at every level must be able to understand and teach these."
Jim Ralph, NHL Broadcaster & Media Personality
"Getting the essential core goaltending skills into the hands of grass roots coaches is perfect, it needs to happen. It is a discipline unlike any other. "
Mike Stubbs, Professional Broadcaster & Radio Personality
"If the advice contained in Chris‘ book is made mandatory learning for minor hockey coaches, it will positively change the face of goaltending in North America."
Joni Hallikainen, Former Pro Goaltender, Professional Goaltending Consultant, Professional Mask Builder & Artist
Following are some incredibly powerful quotes and words of wisdom taken from the many interviews I conducted for Target Practice, 8 Mistakes That Ruin A Love Of The Game.